Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Mama's Boy

An entry to a DESCRIPTIVE blog:  

The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime: The bond between mother and son is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is purest love -unconditional and true. It is about understanding any situation and forgiving of any mistake. (ISQ)

A mother’s love is indescribable. They will do everything just to make their children happy and contented. They will sacrifice everything just to have a comfortable life with their children. No matter how hard the situation is, a mother’s love will always be the same, the greatest love of all.

She is who she is. She never fails. She has everything a man could ever have. She is a typical woman who will do everything for everyone. She plays important role that will never asks to be paid for. She is a mother. She is my mother. And I am a proud son of a beautiful, generous and the only woman in my life. Her love was heaven. She is a blessing to me and to everyone. She doesn't care what people say, she is not ashamed on what she has and she truly stands for what she believed and her principles brought her to be strong and live peacefully. She believed that life is full of surprises, it may be good or bad, but she knows how to bend for it , not by her perceptions but she knows that someone's up there, helping her always. 

     I am Jose E.G. Michael U. Lacre, the son of a proud and supportive mother, Gene U. Lacre. I never regretted having a mother like her. Every time I’m with her, it feels like I have the world, everything seems to be perfect. My mother is my guidance counselor, my friend, my hero, yes definitely, my everything. I love her.

She motivates me to pursue my dreams and she molded me by supporting my capabilities not just her son, but as a good and competitive in - place person who truly believe in being successful. She cared for us, and she treasures every moment with her children. She is a good friend of everyone. She is a hardworking person, that she would get her cart; sell her fruits in any kind and brought up to any businesses that she would do just to have something to have for future purposes.

   She excels in any situation, because I do believe she is strong enough to conquer the world fearlessly. She has enticed an immeasurable and sweet unforgettable memories with us. Her love was infinite that no matter what happen, she will always be there, supporting us and guiding us to the right path.

     In any aspect of our lives, she knows how to understand me; she knows how to lead influences for me to stay as me and maintaining my goals. She has high expectations for me. She gives reason whenever I felt so unloved, alone and down. She gives importance whenever I got high and got to excel in something. She is really proud of me, I can tell that. She knows how to excuse and she knows how to stable everything in place. She knows how to say sorry whenever she commits mistake. She cries whenever she feels so tired. But she never failed to smile always and thank everyone for what life has brought her.

         A sheet of paper is really not enough to describe how the story of my mother goes on. She is very protective. She is strict but somehow, you can just fool her, (but she knows that she was fooled) and get along with her, give a shot of sweetness, then my mother would be totally devastated in allowing me to something. 
      I am really grateful. I would like to thank the Father Almighty for giving me this kind of woman, this kind of mother. I truly love my mother. I will always be with her too. I will always be her son, and no other one. I will always be her companion whenever she is in silence and darkness. And someday, if what she has done to me during my toddler days until my adult years, I will pay her sacrifices by taking care of her, love her always, and I will be the one to sacrifice things now. Because in this life, whenever children get old, parents will get older. So, I will do everything for her. I will make her happy, and will show her how much I appreciated everything. My prayers would remain hopeful. I asked and prayed to God, let me die first and then let my mother live happily until she dies, to see me in eternity.

     Yes, then, I can really say, that I am indeed, a Mama’s Boy.

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