Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Obligation of Your Presence

An entry to a PROBLEM - SOLUTION blog:   

I have planned to write about violence against women because I had witnessed that in this world full of existing intolerant practices, it can really destroy a woman’s life. And they are considered as a toy of some vicious suspects. The victims are purely innocent and they have been very clueless about people taking them advantage. Let us start saving and have a difference about violence against women, because they deserve to be RESPECTED, they deserve to be TREATED WELL and they deserve to LIVE peacefully!

Living in this tempting world is based on how we move ourselves clearly and densely. It has actions and probably more on conditions. But within these movements, we have made decisions that can harm our fellowmen. If we talk about unjustifiable threats, it is about abuses, mistreatment and cruelty that turned out to see the boundaries that are meant to be broken, limitations are shattered and self-advantages prevail.  And the primary victims of inhumanity are women.

Woman – a female human usually gives birth and has important roles in the society. Life’s cruelty brought some women in certain circumstances, basically – sex trafficking, forced prostitution, harassment, rape and some other injustice violence.

According to Amnesty International, “Violence against women is compounded by discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, social status, class, and age. Such multiple forms of discrimination further restrict women's choices, increase their vulnerability to violence and make it even harder for women to obtain justice.” In conclusion to this statement, women have privileges to intake the justice they want, but to further explain, they have been disoriented about violence that made their lives miserable. Women have their own rights to protect themselves from the evil and desperate defendant. But to be literal, they will say that they have no power because THEY ARE JUST WOMEN. No! It’s insignificant.

Women are generalized as weak people. They have been stereotyped. They haven’t even noticed themselves from coping up with some law makers that can make them secured. But here’s the fact about it, women are conquerors, survivors and they deserve to be known as “superhuman”. They are fighters and most especially they have their own responsibility to defend themselves from crimes and violence.

Advocacy are spread worldwide. Laws are passed and justices are obtained. In one of my researches, it can be generalized that, violence against women is a violation of human rights that cannot be justified by any political, religious, or cultural claim. A global culture of discrimination against women allows violence to occur daily and with impunity.

Let us stop violence against women. Your mother is considered woman, your sister, aunt, grandmothers and our girl friends as well. Can we just sit and relaxed and never cared for women that are victims of cruelty? Do we have to watch them in trouble? Let us help in eradicating the violence against women. Let us make their lives comfortable and peaceful. Let us help them to achieve equality and motivate them, with their dignity and rights.

They are also humans. And they can now conclude that they are the scars of everyone’s wound, the sore of every human’s eye. And they are disrespected. But let us change all this perceptions.

The problem is not really simple. But the solution is not that difficult. It is within our hands. Our presence is an obligation to advocate, stand and uphold for what is right and to erase on what is wrong.

Let us be an apostle, not a child of the devil. 

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