Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sugatula: Spectacular Exposure

Integrated Performing Arts Guild contributes a big effect on the theater history. Indeed, the IPAG has made a spectacular exposure that no one shall regret watching it – without no doubts and hesitations.  

As I walked the paths of the MSU – IIT’s mini-theatre, I imagined having a dynamic performance, and indeed, I am right. While I was scrutinizing every angle of the theater room, I had witnessed a different kind of atmosphere yet the characters are starting to prove that they really belong, which they portrays the roles in the play. It is amazing by the fact that while the viewers are moving and finding their comfortable chairs, some characters are having this kind of skills which they are acting even the show had not started yet. It is like entering an amusement park, and mascots are cheering you up.

When the show had started, all I can say is BRAVO. Poetry turns into a wonderful play. The skills of the actors are craving for success and they have this boldness in their personality which they faced it until the end of the show. It is an out of the world performance. Creative and passionate – outstanding and marvelous!

There are six different poems written by the most respectful writers of our country. The poems were entitled, "Pamahra", "The Legend of Maria Cristina Falls" by Christine Godinez-Ortega, "Kung Paano Maging Makata", "Pambambo Tusok-Tusok" by German Villanueva Gervacio, "Southern Cross" by Ralph Semino Galan, "Crossing the River" by Anthony Tan, and "Origami" by Marjorie Evasco.
You don’t have to blink because every scene is a scene to take. Especially, the shocking part which a man turned naked portraying one of the poems presented.

Overall, the show was a mesmerizing show. I can say that this guild will go as far as the universe can go. World class and extraterrestrial! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Obligation of Your Presence

An entry to a PROBLEM - SOLUTION blog:   

I have planned to write about violence against women because I had witnessed that in this world full of existing intolerant practices, it can really destroy a woman’s life. And they are considered as a toy of some vicious suspects. The victims are purely innocent and they have been very clueless about people taking them advantage. Let us start saving and have a difference about violence against women, because they deserve to be RESPECTED, they deserve to be TREATED WELL and they deserve to LIVE peacefully!

Living in this tempting world is based on how we move ourselves clearly and densely. It has actions and probably more on conditions. But within these movements, we have made decisions that can harm our fellowmen. If we talk about unjustifiable threats, it is about abuses, mistreatment and cruelty that turned out to see the boundaries that are meant to be broken, limitations are shattered and self-advantages prevail.  And the primary victims of inhumanity are women.

Woman – a female human usually gives birth and has important roles in the society. Life’s cruelty brought some women in certain circumstances, basically – sex trafficking, forced prostitution, harassment, rape and some other injustice violence.

According to Amnesty International, “Violence against women is compounded by discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, social status, class, and age. Such multiple forms of discrimination further restrict women's choices, increase their vulnerability to violence and make it even harder for women to obtain justice.” In conclusion to this statement, women have privileges to intake the justice they want, but to further explain, they have been disoriented about violence that made their lives miserable. Women have their own rights to protect themselves from the evil and desperate defendant. But to be literal, they will say that they have no power because THEY ARE JUST WOMEN. No! It’s insignificant.

Women are generalized as weak people. They have been stereotyped. They haven’t even noticed themselves from coping up with some law makers that can make them secured. But here’s the fact about it, women are conquerors, survivors and they deserve to be known as “superhuman”. They are fighters and most especially they have their own responsibility to defend themselves from crimes and violence.

Advocacy are spread worldwide. Laws are passed and justices are obtained. In one of my researches, it can be generalized that, violence against women is a violation of human rights that cannot be justified by any political, religious, or cultural claim. A global culture of discrimination against women allows violence to occur daily and with impunity.

Let us stop violence against women. Your mother is considered woman, your sister, aunt, grandmothers and our girl friends as well. Can we just sit and relaxed and never cared for women that are victims of cruelty? Do we have to watch them in trouble? Let us help in eradicating the violence against women. Let us make their lives comfortable and peaceful. Let us help them to achieve equality and motivate them, with their dignity and rights.

They are also humans. And they can now conclude that they are the scars of everyone’s wound, the sore of every human’s eye. And they are disrespected. But let us change all this perceptions.

The problem is not really simple. But the solution is not that difficult. It is within our hands. Our presence is an obligation to advocate, stand and uphold for what is right and to erase on what is wrong.

Let us be an apostle, not a child of the devil. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Mama's Boy

An entry to a DESCRIPTIVE blog:  

The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime: The bond between mother and son is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is purest love -unconditional and true. It is about understanding any situation and forgiving of any mistake. (ISQ)

A mother’s love is indescribable. They will do everything just to make their children happy and contented. They will sacrifice everything just to have a comfortable life with their children. No matter how hard the situation is, a mother’s love will always be the same, the greatest love of all.

She is who she is. She never fails. She has everything a man could ever have. She is a typical woman who will do everything for everyone. She plays important role that will never asks to be paid for. She is a mother. She is my mother. And I am a proud son of a beautiful, generous and the only woman in my life. Her love was heaven. She is a blessing to me and to everyone. She doesn't care what people say, she is not ashamed on what she has and she truly stands for what she believed and her principles brought her to be strong and live peacefully. She believed that life is full of surprises, it may be good or bad, but she knows how to bend for it , not by her perceptions but she knows that someone's up there, helping her always. 

     I am Jose E.G. Michael U. Lacre, the son of a proud and supportive mother, Gene U. Lacre. I never regretted having a mother like her. Every time I’m with her, it feels like I have the world, everything seems to be perfect. My mother is my guidance counselor, my friend, my hero, yes definitely, my everything. I love her.

She motivates me to pursue my dreams and she molded me by supporting my capabilities not just her son, but as a good and competitive in - place person who truly believe in being successful. She cared for us, and she treasures every moment with her children. She is a good friend of everyone. She is a hardworking person, that she would get her cart; sell her fruits in any kind and brought up to any businesses that she would do just to have something to have for future purposes.

   She excels in any situation, because I do believe she is strong enough to conquer the world fearlessly. She has enticed an immeasurable and sweet unforgettable memories with us. Her love was infinite that no matter what happen, she will always be there, supporting us and guiding us to the right path.

     In any aspect of our lives, she knows how to understand me; she knows how to lead influences for me to stay as me and maintaining my goals. She has high expectations for me. She gives reason whenever I felt so unloved, alone and down. She gives importance whenever I got high and got to excel in something. She is really proud of me, I can tell that. She knows how to excuse and she knows how to stable everything in place. She knows how to say sorry whenever she commits mistake. She cries whenever she feels so tired. But she never failed to smile always and thank everyone for what life has brought her.

         A sheet of paper is really not enough to describe how the story of my mother goes on. She is very protective. She is strict but somehow, you can just fool her, (but she knows that she was fooled) and get along with her, give a shot of sweetness, then my mother would be totally devastated in allowing me to something. 
      I am really grateful. I would like to thank the Father Almighty for giving me this kind of woman, this kind of mother. I truly love my mother. I will always be with her too. I will always be her son, and no other one. I will always be her companion whenever she is in silence and darkness. And someday, if what she has done to me during my toddler days until my adult years, I will pay her sacrifices by taking care of her, love her always, and I will be the one to sacrifice things now. Because in this life, whenever children get old, parents will get older. So, I will do everything for her. I will make her happy, and will show her how much I appreciated everything. My prayers would remain hopeful. I asked and prayed to God, let me die first and then let my mother live happily until she dies, to see me in eternity.

     Yes, then, I can really say, that I am indeed, a Mama’s Boy.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Stupendous Escapade

An entry to a NARRATIVE blog: 

Mystery Forest - Credits to Sanchiko (Hackers and Dreamers)

In a place where nobody exists, only raging waters from a peculiar stream, horrifying trees that light up the whole area, hoary houses made of woods that stands at the middle of the zone - old and decaying. The intense wind that revealed the dusty particles that surrounds the perplexing ambiance - odd and ghostly. There, a remarkable mortal descends. It was unpredictable and yet unexpected that he arises with purpose - a purpose to evolve the hideous place to a luminous and magical setting by his wondrous power.  

One ghastly evening, exposed from the shady sky, the mortal was disturbed by the revelation of the place. He was undecided to continue in his purpose but he was illuminated. Nobody was there, noiseless and unnoticed. But no one can take away his right to assemble everything in shape and in harmony. There is this time when he was hiking by the filthy streets of the place, scrutinizing every angle and determining whether where to start and how to end. He commenced, putting out forceful sonic scream that made the whole atmosphere vibrate and create a big blast of destruction. The whole area was transparent, devastated and completely empty. And then, he began to execute glacial waves in his hands and launched it over the place.  The most amazing part of it is when he started to murmur and blast a million words on his mouth and an instant hundred years passed after he finished verbalizing speeches in his powerful mouth. And from that time, it was called as “prayer.”

Landscape Nature (Credits to Animation HD Wallpapers) 
The place was bestowed colors. Different colors was covering the whole place, seems that everything was so friendly and natural. The man was not finished yet. He raised his hands up in the sky and stunned by a light blasting over his body, and created two living creature.  And then, he plotted them as the king and queen of the place. Then, he puts his hands all over the body of the creatures and then, they started to talk, smell, feel, hear and see. And they were called “humans.”  

Everything was so static. Everything seems so untrue and unrealized. And then, the mortal has spoken, he told the man and woman that please multiply and make this place a better one. After all, the man and woman had procreates and made a little prince, named Child. After that, the mortal raised again his hands in the sky and created again living creatures, but not the same as the first, but rather, has different features. And these were called “animals.” They were created to produce sounds in the environment, to be the food of the hungry humans and to be the inspiration of the morning light and the dark night of the place. 

The mortal has spoken again; he said that this place will now be called as “Earth.” The humans will stay as humans, the animals will stay as animals, the land will always be land, the water will always be water, the air will always be air and prayers will always be prayers. 

And he builds a little house with a cross above it, and it was called “Home.” Basically, it is his home, a “chapel.” But from now on, everything on Earth will have a church, where they can call it a home.  

He now said, "Let there sun to shine, and moon to light up. Let there be stars to twinkle and clouds to grab heaven. Let there be darkness and purity. Let there be trials and please gain some sacrifices. Let there be words and parts for you to understand. Let there be failures but let there be champions. Let there be darkness but let there be purity. Enter with me  not to the hellish precipice of the devil. Let there be faith and do not be hooked to evil. And let there be everything, let it exist, so that everyone can have anything, and no one can have nothing."

After everything that happened, the man had disappeared but the cross above the chapel shines so bright that everything turned into a white vast and clear place. After that wave, the Earth was in peace, harmony and life. Then he noted, that let there be peace, joy, love and unity in this world.

From then on, the population of the Earth was filled enormous humans, animals and lovely creature that was created by the man who is the center for everything, and they called him, “GOD.” - The gracious Father Almighty.

 - T H E   E N D -

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dear You

Dear You, my poem composition.

Dear you,

All my life, I have been dreaming of a joyful beginning, and flourish myself into a wonderful ending. It may endure impending pain or a joyful proclivity, but as long as it could ease my heart’s doleful melody.


. . .

Chapter 1 : “ the astounding beginning ”

It all began when I saw you in a very noisy room,
The impression of resplendent and a gorgeous bloom.
You are a girl that is so private, fervent but not that strict,
Your personality is mystique, wearing your dress shaded in pink.

It all started by calling my name and a simple hi and hello.
Then I asked your number and saved it in my phone.
I could not believe that you would approach me that time.
And then, I concluded that you will be a good friend of mine.

I remember that day when you texted me,
Saying, “are you angry with me?” felt it without glee.
I just replied and laughed incessantly,
Because it is imponderable and it seems that you are very worried.

There is this moment where I am very shocked and washed,
You texted me and said that I am your crush.
I didn’t mind it because I know it is not true,
Maybe you are just playing or in the mood of nothing to do.

Chapter 2 : “ the benevolent closeness ”

When you are always there, I kept on changing my perception,
I do not want to move densely if I have this kind of imagination.
In a sudden, we became friends and obtrude secrets closers
Yes. I am an open-minded and a trustworthy person ever.

As time goes by, I am confident and you made me pamper,
By your ways of having me, like a very fortunate toddler.
In you, I felt the haven inside me but still hooked up in falter,
By my personality, it changed but still afraid to be judged after.

Your words are not worthless and insignificant.
It is palpably genuine and truthfully tolerant.
Your secret is my secret as well,
My trust is outspoken and yours are extricate to tell.

My own beliefs are my contentment in the past,
Because now it seems that life’s impertinence doesn’t last.
As you made me realized what life’s feature is?
The impasse is turned into a suitable bliss.

Chapter 3: “ the bewildered confession ”

We always had a serious conversation,
Every word to tell is a shocking revelation.
You told me the unleashing character inside you,
And turned out a situation that can be understood by few.

My exultation is memorable and unpredictable
Because you entrusted me of what you have called a love so impenetrable.
I extol myself in you, as my character and feelings are like yours,
It has just begun and incipient to open my loving doors.

That was the first time that my sensation is unexplainable,
The more you confess makes my felicity tumble.
Every time your mouth speaks a million blast of speech,
I secluded myself to you even everyone’s wants you for them to reach.

We had so many conversations and it seems so awkward and funny
But it is amazing to the extent that I love you and you love me.
Our underlying explanation will be still ours,
Even if it is inauspicious to the eyes of human eyes and hailed to war.

Chapter 4: “ the gratifying acceptance ”

After all the jealousy and misunderstandings,
Still, we are impervious to ameliorate everything.
We consolidate our relationship and the connection within us,
Because we both want that our company will last.

My love for you is faithful, sincere, infinite and pure,
You had made my solitary heart into an endless pleasure.
Your expectations are sometimes hard for me to grant,
But let me do and sacrifice things according to what you want.

I am willing to love you as much as you do and deserve
You are for me always that I do always preserve.
I am thankful that God brought you in my life.
It is not planned but it is about destiny that has been enticed.

I will always love you even if it is meant to be wrong.
I will give you everything; even sing you a beautiful song.
My life is discerned and disbursed you with my whole love.
Because even your tiniest twist of sweetness would be enough.

Chapter 5: “ the loving heart ”

You are the stars of my beautiful shimmery night
You are the light of my morning sun that shines so bright.
You are the shield of every battle we take,
And I am your greatest armor for you to be saved.

You made my day having countless smiles,
Even if sometimes my selfishness can walk a hundred miles.
I am used of seeing you every minute, every day.
And I don’t want that we both will be far and far away.

You have turned an ordinary day to a special one,
Then we are always be together and we always bond.
As we light up our way to support and love each other,
May we be holding our hands, together, forever.

I know our situation gone so deep,
I gave up everything, and be all yours to keep.
You will always be my one and only.
And I am yours and you will always be my loving lady.

Lovingly yours,
The Author

-         To be Continued (Hopefully) - 

“University at its Finest”

Logo of MSU - IIT
The sun rises over the wide vicinity, raging with fast cars outside it and having a scintillating view behind the natural schema, with every step; the environment will bring you to a fine atmosphere.  Here, you’ll know the fascinating facts about everything; known for its competitiveness and being significantly reliable for academic purposes.

The Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, an eminent and a reputable university that offers high quality education and higher learning that will prove that everything here is well – founded and at higher stake of objectives.

With its reliable mission and vision, the MSU – IIT Administration revealed that being the best should not be ours; it should be made by us. In fact, as I witnessed, MSU – IIT, don’t just make the best, but also it has the best. It has the most exceptional professors, magnificent students and marvelous equipment and resources that could make everyone ease their agony in dwelling so hard on their studies. They will provide quality education through research and community involvement.

When I first entered the outstanding university, one factor that amazed me a lot is the passion and sincerity of every people there to learn and to engage the development of every skills and capabilities.

First, I was enrolled at the College of Education taking up Bachelor in Elementary Education Major in English under the Department of Professional Education. One advantage to truly pursue in finishing my studies here in MSU – IIT is the facilities that really have first – class in not making your life miserable. It wouldn't take time to make your work easier and more genuinely learn from it.

Formidable professors are here, who make everything helpful that you would appreciate them for teaching students to have clever minds and sharp – witted intellect. This institution is the center of excellence in Mindanao, which is relevant in Science and Technology for each individual and the society. More of, it is a world class institution that builds on academic and curricular activities.

I don’t have to judge whether I have a department that stunned me a lot or have not stunned me a lot. MSU – IIT at its finest encouraged me to pursue successfully on my studies and hailed me to my field I am taking.

Mindanao State University, an institution with passion and motivates to greater heights of Excellency and high quality learning.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reaction: A Noteworthy Performance

SARIMANOK - a dance -  musical play by 
MSU - IIT Integrated Performing Arts  Guild (IPAG)
"One bird's dream, tears a tradition."

The MSU - IIT's Integrated Performing Arts Guild (IPAG), on its 36th year of celebration proudly presents, Steven Patrick C. Fernandez' "SARIMANOK." 

Last November 28, 2013, the MSU - IIT's Integrated Performing Arts Guild (IPAG), on its 36th year of celebration proudly presents, Steven Patrick C. Fernandez' "SARIMANOK.", started almost 8 o 'clock in the evening (a gala presentation) held at MSU - IIT Gymnasium.

SARIMANOK, a one of a class dance - musical play, one of the most fascinating theatrical plays that were absolutely well - portrayed by the characters assigned on it.  

When I entered the gymnasium, the major stage designs and technical flew me away. Though it has simple framework but it can still catch the attention to human's eye. Lights are very well arranged and have been distributed well to different angles of the gymnasium. The sound systems are loud and clear. The effects which made the show very significant are outstanding. Technicalities are planned and well - organized, as well as the arrangement of the instruments, stage decorations and other matters. 

When the show started, everything was settled and properly managed. I was amazed by the costumes which made them very classy and eye catching. The costumes were not that cheap to look at. And the most brilliant idea was the light effects that were above the stage that elevates their costumes to shine and bloom. With the transitions and effects that you will be shocked and overwhelmed because you can see that the hard work is there and it blows up like a reality.

The songs were beautifully sung and the arrangements of notes are superbly heartwarming. The dances are gracefully portrayed. The choreography are at high stake that you would just like to see them dancing and acting all day long. Their acting is professionally trained and yes, they are absolutely professional actors. 

The show was going smoothly, but there is this time until the show has ended that there are some technical problems, which the words and lines that has been spoken are not that clear, because the lapels might not be functioning but nevertheless the show must go on, right? 

All the excitement were packed up and they brought a satisfaction to the viewer's especially to the major crowd which were the students. Somehow, at some part of the show, I can't really understand what the story behind everything is, but with their willingness to do their best to portray the story really broke my mind setting to a smart choice of watching it.

As I had my research of SARIMANOK after watching it, according to Wikipedia, the SARIMANOK is a legendary bird of the Maranao people who originated from Mindanao. And therefore I concluded that SARIMANOK is a fictional story but behind it is art and passion of how they disseminated it to the people.

In my own opinion, the show was fantastically amazing. My 100 pesos is really worth it. It's worth the wait and it is worth watching.